Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Access server console running in guest OS from host OS

Olleh lla

This is my first blog, this blog is to cover the technical issues which I have encountered and the solutions which i've found, this is more for future Praneeth :D

A brief background,  I am trying to install Oracle Database and Oracle Weblogic Server on Oracle Enterprise Linux which is running in Virtual Box image on top of Mac OS Mountain Lion

Host: Mac OS
Guest: Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.3
App Server: EM console of Oracle Database 11g (
                     Same for weblogic

was trying to access em console which is running in guest operating system (linux) from host operating system (mac os)

Issue was: unable to open the page from Mac

http://localhost:1158/em/console used to work inside linux, but when I tried from host, it was not working


1) First check your Virtual Box image settings

Select Bridged Adapter from Network Adapter configuration
This setting will assign a new IP to guest OS (different from host) via DHCP

Select Promiscous Mode: Allow All

2) Start em console in guest OS
Obv after starting the database and listener

3) Now access em console inside linux using the ip address and port (not localhost)

find the guest OS ip address
/sbin/ifconfig -a (you may need to login with root)

find the host OS ip address
/sbin/ifconfig -a

4) As step 1 is complete, you should be able to ping guest from host
ping <guest_ip> <port_number>
eg: ping 1158

5) Add firewall exceptions for port number 1158 (any port number on which app server is running)  in guest OS
System->Administration->Securty Level and Firewall

Add all the port numbers which you want guest OS to allow

6) Do a telnet test from host to guest on specific port number, it should allow now

7) Access guest server url from host now, it should work :D


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